Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Upcoming Election

It's hard not to get excited about the potential for our upcoming federal and state elections.

It's hard not to daydream about the possibility of a world where the middle name of the president of the United States is Hussein, where the Republican party may face a severe majority in the Senate to match its deficiency in the House of Representatives, where same-sex marriage will be protected in California.

It's also hard not to get frustrated when the Republican presidential candidate and vice-presidential candidate keep throwing around the term "Second Holocaust," as if there has been only one Holocaust, as if Jews are the only people who can suffer a Holocaust. As if there haven't already been myriad Holocausts all over the globe. As if indigenous people haven't experienced genocide on every continent on the planet.

Real Clear Politics has the current Electoral College at 353 Obama, 185 McCain. I can't wait. I'd take a simple majority, but I'm salivating over a Republican slaughter, like the way Larry Craig gets all hot and bothered over illicit homo airport bathroom sex.

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