Thursday, April 3, 2008

Homophobes Are Gay

The proof is in the pudding. And by pudding, I mean a study which has proven that "homophobic behaviors are just the schoolyard bully's more obvious version of a hanky code" (Violet Blue). Tell that to the unfunny Jay Leno-- who, honestly, I had no idea was still on TV-- and his apparent bizarre fixation with Ryan Phillippe's long-ago gay soap opera role. Hmm. Violet Blue investigates!

Makes sense, really. If you're a straight person who brings up the issue of gayness randomly, unnecessarily, and often, or if you're so homophobic that you actually spend your time and effort protesting against gayness-- as with the person mentioned at the end of Violet's column, and numerous others-- or, even more so, dedicate whole chunks of your life and career to homophobia (Jerry Falwell, et. al.), there's got to be something deeper lurking behind the surface, and I don't just mean hot air (though there's lots of that too). Seriously, if you weren't thinking about gayness all the time, you wouldn't be doing that. And thus, you make yourself fodder for the plots of certain genres of adult films...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i do believe "asshat' says it best...
i heart wayward middle eastern girlz!